Facebook has updated its Instagram and Messenger messaging service

Last year, Mark Zuckerberg, speaking about his immediate plans, said he was working on the possibility of communication between users of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp directly by improving the messaging service. In addition, it was planned to use end-to-end encryption of correspondence. The latest update of Instagram shows significant progress in the integration of messaging service.

The new version of Instagram offers users several changes, including an updated messaging service that supports correspondence with Facebook users. Instead of the "Direct" application icon, the updated version will have the "Facebook Messenger" icon, and the design of correspondence will be significantly improved. It is true that correspondence between Facebook users and Instagram does not work yet, but it seems that this problem will be resolved soon.

Facebook bought WhatsApp's Messenger in 2014, spending $19 billion, and two years earlier, the company's rights to Instagram went away for a billion. Despite the merger of chat rooms, the applications themselves will work in the same mode.