OnePlus is preparing for a sharp increase in the range

The Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus is preparing a cascade of new products for its customers. If we believe the information provided by insiders the day before, six new gadgets will be presented in the near future.

On his page on the social network Twitter known analyst Yogesh Brar has posted a schedule of releases of new devices OnePlus. The first "swallow" should be the OnePlus 10 Pro, which premiere is just days away. Next on the list are the CE 2 Lite, Nord 2T and 10 R, with the first two to be shown in April and the third in May.

The premiere of OnePlus Nord Pro (Nord 3) is scheduled for July, finally, the flagship OnePlus 10 Ultra will see the light presumably in the third quarter of this year.

The Chinese manufacturer also plans to release a new branded smart watch.