iPhone XS compared with last year's version

Only yesterday, officially launched the sale of the iPhone XS, and on the web there has already appeared a video of the disassembly of the smartphone. As it turned out, there were no special changes in comparison with the previous model.
Due to the improved class of dust and moisture protection, the disassembly process was a little more difficult. Between the case and the display there is a large amount of glue. According to the manufacturer, the smartphone will easily survive a half-hour stay in the 1.5-meter pool.
The iPhone X had a battery capacity of 2716 mAh, and the XS had only 2,658 mAh. Disassembly showed that the current battery, in contrast to the dual in the previous model, is a single component. And thanks to the improved processor, the operating time of the smartphone has increased by half an hour.
The rest of the device for two smartphones is almost identical.