The face recognition system in the fourth "pixels" showed its failure

At the beginning of the week, the fourth generation of Pixel smartphones was solemnly presented. Among the "chips" line certainly stands out the ability to unlock the device in the face. This option was not in previous generations, but the other day it turned out that this unlock does not work as well as we would like.
On the eve of the BBC channel employee Chris Foxx on his page on the social network posted a video on which showed that his Pixel 4 can be easily unlocked even with his eyes closed. Thus, an attacker will be able to unlock your device and gain access to sensitive data at any time simply by bringing the smartphone to its sleeping owner.
By the way, Google has already commented on this situation, advising you to hide the device in a safe place when you go to bed.
Given that smartphones do not have a fingerprint scanner, the only reliable way to protect personal data is the good old password.