Symantec experts identified an undeletable virus on Android

Every day, new viruses and other malicious software appear in the world, forcing Internet security professionals to work at full strength. However, this does not always help.
Recently, representatives of the company Symantec announced that the xHelper virus, detected in the spring of this year, has already infected more than 45,000 smartphones, and the whole difficulty in dealing with it lies in the fact that at the moment there is no way to completely remove it. About 2.5 thousand Android devices are infected every month with a new virus.
The infection process is quite simple - users download the APK-files of the applications they need from the third-party sites that already contain the virus. Subsequently, during installation, the virus is allocated into a standalone application and begins its malicious activity of displaying ads and remotely managing mobile devices.
The Trojan does not interfere with the work of system services, but you can’t delete it, because after removal, it appears on the smartphone again and even a rollback to the factory settings does not work.