Despite advertising promises, many Google Stadia games do not support 4K / 60 fps

On November 19, Google pompously launched the Stadia streaming gaming platform. With advertising posters, the company promised all users of the service a large collection of top games in high quality and at maximum power. However, after a week of use, it is worth recognizing that many promises have remained promises.
The main rebuke of gamers was the inability to play in 4K / 60 fps. However, Google does not admit its guilt and claims that game developers are to blame.
“Game developers are concerned about ensuring the best possible flow and maximum quality. We are satisfied with the results that they showed at the start, however, we hope that they will continue to improve the quality of games, ”said a statement from Google.
Objectively speaking, Google’s rebuff is more like an attempt to justify itself and shift the blame from their shoulders onto the shoulders of developers, but recently, the head of the company Phil Harrison did not skimp on loud promises.