Despite the closure of the brand Essential, its only smartphone can get Android 11

In late spring 2017, Android creator Andy Rubin finally introduced the first smartphone under his Essential brand. However, the gadget did not gain popularity, and the company announced the closure. However, despite 3 years from the date of release, the only smartphone company can still get the latest version of Android.
The security update that was sent out to smartphones this month was supposed to be the last improvement for the Essential Phone, however, much to the surprise of a few device owners, their gadgets may eventually run on Android 11.
According to one of the XDA enthusiasts, the manufacturer has created a special branch in the portal repository called r-preview. But it is the latest version of the operating system that is abbreviated as Android R.
One of the company's experts confirmed the rumor, saying that Android 11 was tested on an Essential Phone. Based on the results of testing, the company will provide boot files that can be used to install on your Android 11 device.