Digital Chat Station: “Next month a smartphone with a 192-megapixel camera will be presented”

To interest potential buyers, smartphone manufacturers have to constantly go for more and more tricks. The most common - picking a gadget with a more advanced camera. Until recently, the top-end camera on the market was a 108-megapixel camera installed in several Xiaomi and Samsung smartphones. But as early as next month, even they can seriously fall behind.
According to Digital Chat Station, a presentation may be held in May, which will present a smartphone with a 192-megapixel camera. The manufacturer of the device is not reported, but it is known that Snapdragon 765 was chosen as the chipset for it, and therefore it will definitely not be flagship. Perhaps it will be Xiaomi, since it was this Chinese company that first introduced the world to a model with a 108-megapixel camera.