Qualcomm Chips Announced for Wi-Fi 6E Networks

The other day, Qualcomm showed its developments in the field of the new standard for wireless networks Wi-Fi 6E. It is expected that through the use of the 6 GHz band, devices will be able to transmit and receive information at a speed of 10.8 Gb/s. The American company is preparing separate solutions for routers and smartphones.

For routers, a series of Networking Pro chips is created, which can provide, depending on the model, from 6 to 16 data streams at a speed of 5.4 to 16 Gb/s. And for use in mobile devices, the FastConnect series will be used, which can provide data transfer up to 3.6 Gb/s.
It is worth noting that the frequency of 6 GHz is currently officially allowed only in the United States, in other countries it will be necessary to negotiate with the heads of state to deploy 6E Wi-Fi networks, which is a significant obstacle.