Android celebrated its 13th anniversary

September 23, 2008 Android first saw the light of day, although the official presentation of the operating system took place after a month and a half - November 5, 2007. Thus, we can consider that the "green robot" was born twice, and his 13th birthday passed less than a week ago. During this time, from a raw and quite brown Android shell turned into a carefully built and optimized the most popular mobile operating system, installed on 72 percent of smartphones and tablets in the world.

Recall, 13 years ago Google organized the creation of a large business alliance to promote its own operating system Android, promising in the future to change the situation in the industry. The alliance includes 34 companies, including T-Mobile, Motorola, HTC, LG and Samsung. Subsequently, the alliance has grown and now includes 84 companies.

One cannot but admit that it was thanks to the "green robot" that billions of smartphone owners in developing countries were able to access the Internet.