Dublin University scientist proves that Apple and Google are spying on users

The fact that smartphones send data to the servers of manufacturers is not a big secret. The day before a scientist from the University of Ireland has published an interesting study, in which he explained what information smartphones send and with what frequency. It turns out that Google is more "interested" in the circumstances of use of its gadgets than Apple.
According to the study, smartphones are sending data to servers during work and during idle time, and in the idle state, the data is sent approximately once every 260 seconds. In total, every 12 hours, Android devices send about a megabyte of data to the developer, while iOS devices "share" a much smaller amount of information - only 50 kilobytes.
Data is sent to the servers in the following cases:
1. When the SIM card is removed or inserted;
2. When opening settings tab;
3. When you turn on your smartphone after performing a factory reset;
4. During idle time;
5. While using the app store;
6. When the location option is turned on or off.
Some apps and services send data without even waiting for the user to open it for the first time.
However, Apple and Google predictably deny the fact of illegal surveillance of users, explaining the sending of data by the need to ensure the smooth operation of smartphones.