Safe lithium-ion battery

From time to time appear on the network news that another mobile device caught fire during charging. In most cases, these problems arise because of poor-quality chargers that are fed to the device battery voltage is too high. However, in the near future, scientists hope to reduce the likelihood of such an outcome. Experts from Stanford University have developed a new lithium-ion battery, which will warn overheating and self-cooling.
It is worth noting that the new development does not guarantee 100% security in excess of the standard parameters of charging. Even a new battery can come into disrepair and catch fire, but it will be extremely difficult.

The most interesting thing is that the processes of heating, cooling and safety shutdown does not affect the performance of the battery and power supply to the mobile device. This was achieved through the use of special materials.

On the timing of the emergence of new developments in serial devices not yet known.