ARM competitor received investment from Qualcomm and Intel

ARM is a leader in the processor industry, but competitors are not asleep. Recently, SiFive was added to such whales of the processor architecture market as Intel and Qualcomm. This fast-paced startup allows you to freely use the new open source architecture.
At the moment, among investors, start-up such large companies as Samsung, NVIDIA, Google and even Qualcomm with Intel, and the amount of investment received is at least $ 130 million.
The RISC-V project will allow manufacturing companies to significantly speed up the process of designing processors from 12 to 3 months through the use of SoC templates.
Of course, such an active competitor policy is not to the liking of ARM, which not only does not participate in its investment, but also actively fights with it. In particular, a year earlier, ARM launched the “Anti-RISC-V” web resource, but later it still covered up.