SoftBank President inadvertently talks about iPhone 11 sales start date

The usual interview with the top manager of SoftBank recently ended with a curiosity. Ken Miyauchi talked with reporters, discussing the policy of the telecommunications company and its pressing news and problems, but the report on the next question accidentally “leaked” the date of the sale of a new generation of iPhones.
In response to a question about the impact on the company's strategy of the new version of the law on telecommunications, which will begin to operate from the beginning of October, Miyauchi modestly replied that in the remaining ten days he still does not know what to do.
Realizing that he had shaken the excess, he immediately added that he did not know exactly when the iPhone 11 would be on sale, but attentive reporters immediately calculated that the sales would start on September 20.
By the way, the updated legislation on telecommunications includes a ban on offering customers higher tariffs for the acquisition of smartphones.