IDC talked about the dominance of the App Store revenue level compared to Google Play

Despite the fact that two users of iOS devices account for about five users of Android devices, Google’s revenue is far from its main competitor. The day before, this was once again confirmed by the head of the international research company IDC Francisco Jeronimo at an event organized for the developers of the Chinese company HUAWEI.
According to IDC, Google is almost twice inferior to Apple in the amount of money received from applications. So, on an annualized basis, users “leave” $ 18 billion in the Google app store, and $ 33 billion in the Apple store. In addition, almost 20 percent of the market belongs to Android app stores from the Middle Kingdom.
The advantage of Apple is expressed in more solvent users. So, the “average check” in the App Store is 33 dollars, and on Google Play only 13 dollars.