TSMC begins work on the research and development of a 2-nanometer process technology

TSMC continues to build power. The industry leader in semiconductor products does not stop there and has begun the development and development of a 2-nanometer process technology.
This year, the first batch of chips made by the 5-nanometer process technology - Kirin 1020 and A14 Bionic - will roll off the assembly lines of a Taiwanese manufacturer. However, at the same time, work is underway to introduce a 3-nanometer process technology, the company is about to prepare such chips in test mode.
But that is not all. In a report over the past year, the chip maker mentioned the development of a 2-nanometer process technology and related work is already underway. An important part of the production of ultra-modern components is the use of EUV lithography, TSMC pays special attention to research in this area. The company wants to achieve cheaper production while maintaining advanced quality.