Information about unannounced Snapdragon 775G chip appeared

In the near future, to replace the popular chip Snapdragon 765G will come updated version - Snapdragon 775G. The other day it was reported by a well-known analyst Roland Kvandt. Based on its sources, the insider not only told about some of the characteristics, but also named the approximate date of announcement of the device.

According to Kvandt, the novelty will demonstrate a 50 percent increase in graphics and a 40 percent increase in computing power with an excellent level of energy efficiency. The chip is currently being tested in conjunction with a 12GB "fast" LPDDR5 memory bar and a 120 Hz refresh rate screen. Using the X60 modem with its smaller size will save precious space in the case of mobile device. In parallel with the development of the basic version is working on the Plus-version of the chip.

Approximately Snapdragon 775G should be presented at the beginning of next year, and its more powerful brother - in the middle of next year, however, the developer has not yet confirmed the information.