Pandemic formed an incredible growth of the mobile market

This past year has been a very difficult one for humanity. The coronavirus pandemic has taken many lives and significantly changed our daily reality with many restrictions and prohibitions. Nevertheless, some industries have recorded an unprecedented surge during these challenging times.

According to analytical agency App Annie, the mobile market has responded to the self-isolation and other restrictions related to the coronavirus with a sharp upsurge. Thus, over the past year, the volume of downloaded apps increased by 7 percent and reached the mark of $218 billion. Developers have also seen a significant increase in revenue, last year brought them $143 billion, up 20 percent from 2019.

Analysts estimate that the owners spent behind the screens of their gadgets a total of almost 2.5 billion days, which significantly exceeded the time spent at the TV. TikTok, Tinder and YouTube were the most popular apps among users.