Google told about the operating system for low-cost smartphones Android 12 Go Edition

The Android 12 Go Edition operating system, specifically optimized for this segment of devices, will appear on some inexpensive smartphones next year. On the eve of Google told about all the main features, which will receive the system.

According to representatives of the corporation, with the new OS smartphone will run much faster. In particular, the start-up time of applications, compared with previous versions, will decrease by 30 percent, and animation will become better and smoother. Particular attention has been paid to optimization, so that the autonomy of devices will seriously exceed the level of devices based on Android 11.

The developer has not skipped security issues. So, the user can choose the degree of access or any application, as well as control the use of applications of functions of the smartphone. A special statistical section of the system will provide comprehensive information about the functions of the smartphone, which were accessed by a particular program.