New creation technology holographic glasses

If you look at a glowing light bulb through the glass, and then a glass of water, you will notice that the light differently passes through different substances. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University published the results of the joint work, which showed what happens if you create a material that combines the properties of a liquid and glass. It was found that the glass particles diffusely suspended in water and heated by means of light scatter electrode thousand times better than individually. This discovery is not yet any practical value, but may in the future form the basis for a fundamentally new ways to create holographic displays.

As stated in the press release of the Institute, a mixture of solids and liquids in the slurry can refract light in different directions at the same time. Now imagine that you can create a solid substance with a similar structure, which is heated by means of electrodes to the desired temperature depending on the usage scenario. For example, a set of electrodes in the lens front bed temperature changes, which scatters the light beam and the rear chamber electrodes responsible for creating a sense of depth and background. Thus, before the user's eyes appear three-dimensional image, invisible to outsiders.

It should be borne in mind that the MIT officials are in no hurry to implement a new discovery in the practical field, and the technology is largely based on theoretical calculations. Therefore, until the advent of the personal holographic glasses and this 3D-TV in the family living room can take a lot of time.