Unofficial iPhone accessories can make crazy

An amazing and at the same time incredible story the other day was told by one of the owners of the iPhone. The man connected his gadget to an unofficial charger, after which he suddenly began to make attempts to carry out expensive purchases. At first, the smartphone “wanted” to order a VIP room in Shanghai, but did not have time, as the owner saw what was happening on time and pulled the charger wire out of the smartphone. After some time, when the charger was connected, the shopping began to continue - this time the smartphone “wished” to buy a ticket for one of the railways' flights. In addition, the iPhone switched to the 2G network.
In order to record tricks with the smartphone, the owner tried to capture what was happening with the help of the screen recording function, but when the charger was connected, the recording immediately stopped.
So far it is not clear why the smartphone reacted to the “non-native” charger in this way, but cases of freelance work of gadgets when connecting third-party accessories have occurred before. Perhaps the reason lies in some kind of virus that works through chargers.