Google has used one of the "highlights" iOS
- AProbably no one will argue with the fact that the operating system used in Apple smartphones has many convenient features and chips for comfortable use. But competitors are not going to silently look at the superiority of the American corporation.

Recently it became known that the “Corporation of Good” in the new update will add to its Android system a lightweight pairing with Bluetooth devices. So, to connect headphones or speakers, now it will be enough just to place gadgets within the “visibility” of Bluetooth. The smartphone will only display the question of whether to connect the gadget or not, and in the case of a positive answer it will connect. The technology has been named Fast Pairing and is likely to increase the comfort of using mobile devices.

Recently it became known that the “Corporation of Good” in the new update will add to its Android system a lightweight pairing with Bluetooth devices. So, to connect headphones or speakers, now it will be enough just to place gadgets within the “visibility” of Bluetooth. The smartphone will only display the question of whether to connect the gadget or not, and in the case of a positive answer it will connect. The technology has been named Fast Pairing and is likely to increase the comfort of using mobile devices.