OPPO is preparing for the announcement of the flagship smartphone Find X2

Last summer, OPPO released the flagship smartphone Find X, which worked on the latest at that time Snapdragon 845 chipset and had retractable cameras. Time passed, and the new generation of the device did not appear, disappointing fans. However, it recently became clear that the Chinese company is working on a continuation of the series and is preparing for the announcement.
Find X2 will again receive a top processor, this time it will be Snapdragon 865, presented on December 4. According to representatives of OPPO, during the development of the second generation of the smartphone, special attention was paid to its screen. It will be improved and will support higher resolution and refresh rate.
The Sony 2 × 2 On-Chip Lens sensor will appear in the main camera of the device, with the help of which the camera’s shooting quality will be improved in low light conditions, and the camera’s autofocus will work more clearly.
The announcement of the smartphone is expected in early 2020, its cost and other characteristics are not yet known.