Snapdragon 865 will be presented in November

When the well-known Qualcomm chipmaker introduced an improved version of the Snapdragon 855 processor in mid-summer, many felt with concern that the company was not going to show the next generation of branded chips in the near future. Fortunately, the feelings of the fans of the brand have not been confirmed, and next month we will see the announcement of the Snapdragon 865.
Thus, between the announcements of the Snapdragon 855 and the Snapdragon 865, only 11 months will pass. However, the engineers of the chip maker were going to show the new product in December, but due to the upcoming announcement of the new Kirin chip from Huawei, it was decided to move the deadlines a month earlier.
According to rumors, the production of new chips built on the 7-nanometer process technology will be left to the Taiwan TSMC.